
5 Articles
A wizard catching an elephant that flies through the air, forest landscape in the background, digital art

Test an external, read-only Repository in Phoenix

When your application connects to an external database in read-only mode, it becomes difficult to write proper tests for it. This post explains how to set up a simulated external database locally to make testing becomes easy again.

a young wizard apprentice looking at a book with a magnifying glass in an old library, digital art

Unaccented Name Search with Postgres and Ecto

Postgres does not support searching for names with special characters by default. Here is how to fix it.

an old wizard holding up a VCR videocassette into the camera standing in his chemical laboratory, digital art

Announcing my new Video Course!

My first video course "Build an MVP with Elixir" helps you to get started with Elixir by building a real-world product together!

an old wizard listening through a door, digital art

Listen to Database Changes with Postgres Triggers and Elixir

Postgres Notifications allow you to subscribe to any changes in your database, even if they weren't made by your Elixir application! Let's learn how to set them up!

a wizard filling an elixir into a bottle in a dusty laboratory

Import a CSV into Postgres using Elixir

Learn how to dump and analyze large amounts of data from a CSV file into Postgres quickly.