Resurrect your Phoenix Context
A retraction: I changed my mind about Phoenix contexts. Here's how I structure my Elixir code with a simpler, more effective design in the true functional way.
A retraction: I changed my mind about Phoenix contexts. Here's how I structure my Elixir code with a simpler, more effective design in the true functional way.
Silence the noisy Phoenix.NotAcceptableError and Plug.CSRFProtection.InvalidCSRFTokenError exceptions in your Phoenix application by implementing the Plug.Exception protocol for them.
When your application connects to an external database in read-only mode, it becomes difficult to write proper tests for it. This post explains how to set up a simulated external database locally to make testing becomes easy again.
Phoenix Contexts often become a dumping ground for code that doesn't have an obvious place. Learn how to organize your code using services, finders, and repositories.
Arguably, the strongest multi-factor authentication method is U2F. Here is how to integrate it with your Phoenix LiveView application. allows you to quickly deploy a Phoenix application in different regions in the world. Here is how to get started.
Route traffic based on the path of a URL using AWS CloudFront and Lambda functions. A complete how-to using Phoenix servers.
Writing code is fun, but nothing tops seeing your code moving things in the real world. That’s why I tested out the Nerves library.